SGS Cooks with Jason Hicks, Chef & Owner of Jones Wood Foundry [RECORDING]

Members and friends of St. George’s Society joined us for a virtual cooking masterclass with Jason Hicks chef and owner of Jones Wood Foundry NYC.

Jason taught attendees how to make the best Scotch Eggs on this side of the pond along with a little bit of history on the origins of this popular British dish.

Please see the recording below, as well as a list of ingredients.

Webinar held on Thursday 18 June 2020.

Ingredient List

Scotch Egg Ingredients

  • 12oz pork breakfast sausage or 1lb beyond meat for a veg-friendly recipe (Chef Hicks will be using bangers from Myers of Keswick)

  • 4oz good quality raw chorizo (not dried) NOTE: If you cannot find the chorizo you can make with the breakfast sausage only

  • 7 large eggs

  • 1 cup AP flour

  • ½ cup whole milk

  • 3 cups panko breadcrumbs

  • 3qts vegetable oil

  • 4tbs white vinegar

  • 2tbs salt

Tartar Sauce Ingredients (Optional)

  • 2 cups mayonnaise

  • ¼ cup capers

  • ¼ cup cornichon

  • ¼ cup parsley

  • 2 lemons juiced

Supply List (if you have it!)

  • 4 medium sized mixing bowls

  • 1 regular main course fork

  • 1 kitchen thermometer

  • 1 large pot (aprox 6qt)

  • 1 medium pot (aprox 4qt)

  • 1 container for ice bath (large enough to hold 5 eggs)

  • 1 perforated spoon or spider

  • 1 cutting board

  • 1 chef/kitchen knife

  • Paper towel

Set up for cook along:

  • Have all ingredients removed from any packaging and out on workspace.

  • Make sure parsley is clean and dry.

  • Medium sized pot should be 3/4’s filled with water and brought to a boil then switched off.

  • For safety: In the unlikely event the cooking oil we will be using overheats and catches fire. Please have a clean dish towel close at hand, ready to wet with water and place over pot to extinguish the flame.